The East Anglian Film Archive, the first and largest Regional Film Archive in England, was established in 1976. Since 1984, EAFA has been owned and operated by the University of East Anglia, Norwich (UEA), to support research and work to preserve our moving image heritage. More than 250 hours are freely available online as examples of the wide range of film which attracts interest the world over.
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Town and Gown
Focusing on each town’s university colleges, main streets, gardens, statues and memorials with a narration of the history of the buildings, notable scholars, and traditions.
From the collection of:

The graduation anthem, Gaudeamus Igitur accompanies the title sequence to this guided tour of the two university cities, first Oxford then Cambridge, and also the Cambridgeshire village of Grantchester. In Oxford the students carry their caps and gowns in the street to avoid breaking college regulations if they choose to smoke, and in Cambridge we learn that on many maps the river changes its name at the Silver Street Bridge and is called Granta above and Cam below it.
In Oxford, ‘little changed through the centuries’, we visit Magdelen College and its Tower which was built by Wolsey and stands at the end of the High Street, the University Church of St Mary’s, Queens College, St Johns College, the Martyrs’ Memorial, Worcester College founded by Benedictine monks, Folly Bridge over the River Thames to Christ Church, and Wren’s Tom Tower named after the bell, Great Tom. In Cambridge, ‘a more intimate city’, the sights include King's College Chapel, Peterhouse – the first college founded in Cambridge, Jesus College, King's Parade, St John's College, Trinity College with its famous fountain, punting on the Backs, and the picturesque village of Granchester.

Glimpse of Oxford Glimpse of Oxford
Amateur film 1930 2 mins Silent Location: Oxford
Sydney Martin takes us on a whistle-stop tour of the landmarks of Oxford and surrounds including an occasional wry eye.

Real Tennis Real Tennis
News 1980 3 mins Location: Oxford
Tennis as the monks played it: Oxford University's real tennis is a million miles away from the professional circuit.

Oxford Housing Oxford Housing
Current affairs 1982 5 mins Location: Oxford
Against the odds, same sex couples in Oxford get the right to register for council housing, but for how long?

Safety all the Way Safety all the Way
Instructional film/TV programme 1953 16 mins Location: Oxford
Hair-raising scenes of weaving cyclists, dopey drivers and pedestrian near-misses caught on camera during a typical day in 1950s Oxford.

Cambridge and Oxford Cambridge and Oxford
Amateur film 1953 10 mins Location: Cambridge
Time has taken an interesting toll on this contrasting portrait of Oxbridge by pro-am filmmaker Mathew Nathan

Wrong Bathroom Wrong Bathroom
Drama 2024 9 mins
A trans high-schooler is tempted by toxic masculinity in the boys’ bathroom.

We’ll Go Down in History We’ll Go Down in History
Documentary 2025 25 mins
Two years in the life of TRUK United FC, a beacon for positive change and trans inclusivity in football.

If I Make It To The Morning If I Make It To The Morning
Drama 2024 9 mins
A Chinese teenager dreams of living with her cool aunt in New York, until tensions boil over during a crab dinner.

Dragfox Dragfox
Animation & Artists Moving Image 2024 8 mins
A child struggling with their identity and a charismatic fox (voiced by Sir Ian McKellen) learn to embrace their differences in this heart warming stop-motion animation.

Wait, Wait, Now! Wait, Wait, Now!
Drama 2024 13 mins
A Maori and a Kiwi teen buddy up to raid their mum’s wardrobe and pucker their lips with red.

Drama 2024 8 mins
‘I pronounce you wife and wife.’ A young couple design their perfect wedding online, but then mum dials in.