The Yorkshire Film Archive collects, preserves, and shows film made in, or about Yorkshire. Our collections are non-fiction, dating from the 1890s to the present day, and providing a rich and visually compelling record of all aspects of lives, cultures, landscape, industries, major events and everyday activities, many of which are available to watch, free of charge, on our website.
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Buffer Stop Tests at Bradford
What with all the loose shunting, it isn’t surprising that buffer stops were given a gruelling examination, although both the buffers and the tests are rather unconvincing.
From the collection of:

As if the war hadn’t caused enough damage to the railway, here we have the LNER tearing up track and smashing wagons (no wonder they were nationalised). The permanent way workers here in Bradford in 1945 must have really enjoyed watching this wanton destruction, even if all in the interests of safety. It looks as if it is a close call between the London Heavy type and the York straight rail type of buffer stops; although the scientific methodology of the tests seems a bit dubious.
This is one of a large collection of British Rail, and some pre- British Rail, films inherited by the track renewals company Fastline in 1996, and passed on to Fastline Photography when they folded in 2010. The information which came with the film just states that this was taken in Bradford. The sign near the sidings for Isaac Sowden and Sons, manufacturers of worsted based at Cannon Mills, initially suggested that this is the large goods yard at Great Horton, Bradford. However, we have it on good authority that the tests were carried-out in the former City Road Goods Yard (now occupied by Grattan's automated warehouse), and that some of the buildings seen in the film are still there.”

Mining Review 19th Year No. 11 Mining Review 19th Year No. 11
1966 11 mins Location: Castleford
Coal touched all our lives, as this issue of the cinemagazine demonstrates with items on a miner's wife turned mayor, a Coal Board chess team and more.

Enginemen Enginemen
Documentary 1959 17 mins
This poetic Free Cinema documentary, filmed near Manchester, reflects on the changing world of the engineman.

Great Northern Railway Works at Doncaster (1901) Great Northern Railway Works at Doncaster (1901)
Documentary 1900 6 mins Silent Location: Doncaster
Countless men, women and children spill out on to the screen from "The Plant" at the heart of the Yorkshire railway town.

Severn Valley Railway Severn Valley Railway
News 1976 7 mins Location: Bridgnorth
Is Chris Tarrant up to shovelling a ton and a half of coal to keep the fire burning and the steam up between Bridgnorth and Bewdley?

Repairing Track After Mustard Gas Attack Repairing Track After Mustard Gas Attack
Industry sponsored film 1939 45 mins Silent Location: Northampton
With the horrific effects of gas warfare still fresh in the memory, rubberised men – like extras from a 1950s British sci fi movie – prepare for more, with 1940s attention to detail.

Railways - Derelict and Preserved Railways - Derelict and Preserved
Amateur film 1975 33 mins Silent Location: Rainhill
Come and see Rocket 150, and visit a selection of railway locations, past and preserved.

Bradford Laundry, Meat, and Coal Adverts Bradford Laundry, Meat, and Coal Adverts
Advert 2 mins Silent Location: Bradford
Meeting the everyday basic needs of the locals: keeping the family clean, warm and well fed.

Bradford Adverts Reel 1 Bradford Adverts Reel 1
Advert 1925 3 mins Silent Location: Bradford
Juno-Junipah, for girls, who “want to be bright, vivacious, attractive and slim”, and Carters Little Liver Pills to rejuvenate the elderly.

The Big Country The Big Country
Promotional 1970 16 mins Location: Newcastle upon Tyne
Tuning into the biggest consumer market for television advertising in Britain with Trident TV.

Bradford Adverts Reel 3 Bradford Adverts Reel 3
Advert 4 mins Silent Location: Bradford
No wearisome overblown advertising for cinema-goers back in 1931, just straightforward advice: don’t risk accidents and “Don’t buy a dud!”

Bradford Adverts Reel 2 Bradford Adverts Reel 2
Advert 1 mins Silent Location: Bradford
Without trying to be too clever, these advertisements demonstrate the virtue of the uncomplicated: short, sweet and memorable.

The Official Opening of the First Building for the University of Bradford The Official Opening of the First Building for the University of Bradford
Promotional 1965 13 mins Location: Bradford
Prime Minister Harold Wilson opens the University's first building in this celebratory film that acknowledges decades of effort.

Wrong Bathroom Wrong Bathroom
Drama 2024 9 mins
A trans high-schooler is tempted by toxic masculinity in the boys’ bathroom.

We’ll Go Down in History We’ll Go Down in History
Documentary 2025 25 mins
Two years in the life of TRUK United FC, a beacon for positive change and trans inclusivity in football.

If I Make It To The Morning If I Make It To The Morning
Drama 2024 9 mins
A Chinese teenager dreams of living with her cool aunt in New York, until tensions boil over during a crab dinner.

Dragfox Dragfox
Animation & Artists Moving Image 2024 8 mins
A child struggling with their identity and a charismatic fox (voiced by Sir Ian McKellen) learn to embrace their differences in this heart warming stop-motion animation.

Wait, Wait, Now! Wait, Wait, Now!
Drama 2024 13 mins
A Maori and a Kiwi teen buddy up to raid their mum’s wardrobe and pucker their lips with red.

Drama 2024 8 mins
‘I pronounce you wife and wife.’ A young couple design their perfect wedding online, but then mum dials in.