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Back to 1942 15 rating

With a cast that includes Adrien Brody, Tim Robbins and Fan Xu, Back to 1942 is an epic reconstruction of the deadly drought of 1942 that took its toll on central China's Henan province during the war against Japan

Drama 2012 146 mins Silent

Director: Feng Xiaogang


From acclaimed director Feng Xiaogang (Aftershock, Assembly) comes this breathtaking war epic which revisits one of the most catastrophic periods of twentieth century Chinese history: the famine in Henan Province during the 1942 Sino-Japanese War, which claimed three million lives.

Zhang Guoli stars as Master Fan, a wealthy landlord who loses everything when he and his family flee their famine-stricken hometown. Academy Award winner Adrian Brody (The Pianist) co-stars as a courageous American journalist who encounters the horrors of the famine first-hand and endeavours to enlist relief-aid from the Chinese government and expose the plight of the Henan refugees. Tim Robbins also stars in this brutal and thrilling epic from the director known as β€˜the Chinese Spielberg’.