Powell and Pressburger
Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger – alias The Archers – worked like tailors, sizing the cloth of their insanely inspiring films so they would cling.
Successive generations try them on and find they still fit, shaped to the British national character but filled with a heart and spectacle which makes them truly, vividly global.

The Battle of the River PlateThe Battle of the River Plate
War 1956 119 minsDirector: Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger
Powell and Pressburger’s biggest commercial success was this rousing retelling of the pursuit of a German battleship by the British Navy during World War II.

Black NarcissusBlack Narcissus
Drama 1947 101 minsDirector: Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger
Tensions grow when a group of nuns open a convent in the Himalayas in Powell and Pressburger’s remarkable melodrama, starring Deborah Kerr.

The Boy Who Turned YellowThe Boy Who Turned Yellow
Children's 1972 54 minsDirector: Michael Powell
A London schoolboy’s surprise transformation marks the final collaboration of great British director Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger.

A Canterbury TaleA Canterbury Tale
War 1944 125 minsDirector: Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger
Powell and Pressburger's most personal film combines a Chaucer-inspired pilgrimage with a war-time celebration of English landscape and values to create a gem of British cinema.

Ill Met by MoonlightIll Met by Moonlight
War 1957 100 minsDirector: Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger
Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger’s film of the daring WII raid to capture a German commander, with Dirk Bogarde and Marius Goring.

The Life and Death of Colonel BlimpThe Life and Death of Colonel Blimp
War 1943 164 minsDirector: Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger
Powell and Pressburger’s masterpiece follows the rise and fall of a career soldier, from dashing and brave young officer in the Boer War to a pompous and old-fashioned Colonel by the time of World War Two.

A Matter of Life and DeathA Matter of Life and Death
Fantasy 1946 104 minsDirector: Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger
Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger’s timeless romantic fantasy, with David Niven as an airman trapped between life and death.

Peeping TomPeeping Tom
Drama 1960 101 minsDirector: Michael Powell
Michael Powell’s dark, disturbing, once controversial tale of a shy camera technician who films women as he kills them is now rightly deemed a classic.

The Phantom LightThe Phantom Light
Comedy 1935 72 minsDirector: Michael Powell
Michael Powell’s gothic mystery of a haunted lighthouse where insanity thrives.

The Red ShoesThe Red Shoes
Drama 1948 135 minsDirector: Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger
Moira Shearer’s ballerina is torn between love and her career in Powell and Pressburger’s hugely influential melodrama.

The Spy in BlackThe Spy in Black
War 1939 79 minsDirector: Michael Powell
A masterful thriller with true flair, The Spy In Black has a much larger importance: it threw Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger together for the first time.