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Caligula: The Ultimate Cut 18 rating

Malcolm McDowell and Helen Mirren star in one of the most controversial films in cinema history, presented here in an entirely new cut compiled from the original rushes.

Period drama 2023 178 mins

Director: Tinto Brass



After murdering his adoptive grandfather, the Emperor Tiberius, Caligula seizes power and begins to dismantle the Roman Empire from within. One of the biggest scandals in cinema history, Tinto Brass' notoriously decadent film was re-edited upon its original release by its Penthouse magazine backers, who supplemented it with additionally shot sex scenes. Forty years later, this entirely new cut attempts to recreate Gore Vidal's original screenplay by returning to the original rushes and reconstituting the film from alternate takes. Now presented in the manner it was always intended to be seen, the film can finally be appreciated as a harrowing treatise on the corrupting influence of power; a journey through depravity, madness, and destruction. Starring Malcolm McDowell, Peter O'Toole, John Gielgud, and Helen Mirren.
