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City of Lost Souls

Jayne County, Angie Stardust and Tara O'Hara star in Rosa von Praunheim's trans-punk groteskes-musical.

Comedy 1983 90 mins Not rated

Director: Rosa von Praunheim



A group of American rock singers, dancers and acrobats live in Berlin. They are blacks, gays, transsexuals and Jews. What New York was for the 1960s, Berlin was for the '80s. Ein groteskes Musical. Behind the lurid faΓ§ade of Praunheim’s film, lies a powerful dialogue about the queer and trans struggle for representation, which remains highly pertinent over 30 years later.

Please note, this presentation was digitised from the only surviving film elements, which was a German theatrical distribution print containing burnt-in German subtitles during the film's occasional English-dialogue sections. We hope this does not detract from your enjoyment of this unique film.
