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Rocco and His Brothers 15 rating

Italian maestro Luchino Visconti’s epic drama follows a mother and her five sons who move from a small town to Milan, changing their lives forever.

Drama 1960 179 mins

Director: Luchino Visconti



Swinging between achingly powerful melodrama and the last, pulsating throes of neo-realism, Visconti’s epic character study is a classic of Italian cinema. Following the changing fortunes of a family made up of a mother and her five sons when they move from a provincial town to the big city of Milan, the story of Rocco and His Brothers continues to enthral.

Described by Martin Scorsese as β€œone of the greatest artists in the history of cinema”, Visconti’s elegance and intelligence as a filmmaker has never been more evident than it is here. With its potent and vivid vision of Italian society on the brink, Rocco and His Brothers is considered one of the last neo-realist films and bridges the gap wonderfully between the old and the new in terms of both story and artistry.
