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Take Shelter 15 rating

Michael Shannon and Jessica Chastain bring to life this extraordinary tale of ordinary madness.

Drama 2011 116 mins

Director: Jeff Nichols



Curtis LaForche (Michael Shannon) is a small town crew chief for a sand-mining company, who finds solace in his loving wife Samantha (Jessica Chastain) and their young daughter Hannah (Tova Stewart), who is deaf. There seems little remarkable about the man, yet he is in the shadow of a dark cloud and becomes increasingly plagued by apocalyptic apparitions. Haunted by his fears, his behaviour becomes erratic, and Curtis risks alienating the local community and stretching relationships with those closest to him beyond breaking point. Jeff Nichols' 2011 film is a deeply resonant vision that audaciously probes the psyche of modern America, showcasing one of Shannon's greatest performances as a touching and vulnerable character; a thoroughly convincing everyman for our times.
