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The Love Witch

A modern-day witch uses spells and magic to get men to fall in love with her, in Anna Biller's outrageous tribute to 1960s Technicolor melodramas.

Comedy 2016 121 mins Not rated

Director: Anna Biller



A modern-day witch uses potions to make men fall in love with her, but the trouble is, they fall too hard and she's left with no choice but to kill them, in this gloriously retro comedy-horror. Biller had been making low-budget shorts for years – as well as her debut feature Viva in 2007 – before gaining wider acclaim with her second feature (including a five-star review from The Guardian's Peter Bradshaw). Biller’s background as an artist is apparent in every frame. She designed the sets, props and costumes, creating a stylised world through which to explore witchcraft, feminism and narcissism.
