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Fidelio, Alice's Journey 15 rating

When Alice takes a job as a ship’s engineer her fidelity towards her shore-bound fiancé is tested when she discovers a former lover is the ship’s captain.

Drama 2015 97 mins

Director: Lucie Borleteau


Alice (Ariane Labed) is a female engineer in the male-dominated world of merchant shipping. Having long learnt to endure the daily barbs and unwanted advances of fellow crewmen, she unexpectedly finds her fidelity towards her shore-bound fiancé tested when a former flame turns out to be the ship’s new captain (Melvil Poupaud).

As she begins to examine her newfound sexual liberation, she begins to contrast her experiences with those of the dead engineer she replaced, which are meticulously detailed in his discovered diaries.

Lucie Borleteau’s luxuriously filmed maritime drama fully exploits the beauty of its oceanic setting, providing a sexy and smart story while also satisfying as a subtle discourse on gender politics.