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Name Me Lawand
Edward Lovelace explores the power of communication and community with this rapturous portrait of a young deaf Kurdish boy.
Director: Edward Lovelace
This powerful documentary highlights the importance of community and the transformative effect of finding your voice. Convinced of the potential of their deaf son, a Kurdish family leave Iraq and finally arrive in the UK, where Lawand joins the Royal School for the Deaf Derby. Empowered with British Sign Language, he reveals himself as a witty and popular student. Meanwhile, his family navigate a new common language and have to fight to remain in the community that has embraced them.
Director Edward Lovelace (who made The Possibilities Are Endless with co-director James Hall) spent four years alongside Lawand and his family, whilst learning BSL to produce this inspiring portrait.

Hotel Monterey Hotel Monterey
Documentary 1973 63 mins Silent Director: Chantal Akerman
A hypnotic tour of a New York hotel that proves that nighttime is Akerman time.

Là-bas Là-bas
Documentary 2006 79 mins Director: Chantal Akerman
Akerman’s introspective apartment-bound reflection on isolation and confinement.

Avec Sonia Wieder-Atherton Avec Sonia Wieder-Atherton
Documentary 2003 52 mins Director: Chantal Akerman
A celebration of Akerman’s longtime collaborator, cellist Sonia Wieder-Atherton, showing her artistry as she plays and discusses her life in music.

De l’autre côté De l’autre côté
Documentary 2002 99 mins Director: Chantal Akerman
Made over 20 years ago, this exploration of the lives of Mexican migrants and the cruelties of borders makes for equally urgent viewing today.

Sud Sud
Documentary 1999 71 mins Director: Chantal Akerman
A study of the troubled, racist history of the American South and its legacy.

D'Est D'Est
Documentary 1993 116 mins Director: Chantal Akerman
A poetic wandering travelogue made in response to the collapse of Soviet communism.

When I Saw You When I Saw You
Drama 2014 94 mins Director: Annemarie Jacir
Following the Six-Day War in 1967, a young Palestinian refugee boy yearns to be reunited with his father and joins a band of freedom fighters.

Birthday Girl Birthday Girl
Drama 2023 95 mins Director: Michael Noer
Heart-pounding Danish drama about a mother’s desperate attempts to unmask her daughter’s attacker on board a cruise ship.

Let the Right One In Let the Right One In
Horror 2008 115 mins Director: Tomas Alfredson
A twelve-year-old boy befriends a mysterious girl with a dark secret, in Tomas Alfredson’s grownup tale of childhood vampirism.

Good Bye, Lenin! Good Bye, Lenin!
Drama 2003 121 mins Director: Wolfgang Becker
After his mother wakes from a coma in 1990, a young man goes to great lengths to pretend East Germany still exists in this wonderfully bittersweet tragicomedy.

Saute ma ville Saute ma ville
Drama 1968 13 mins Director: Chantal Akerman
Chantal Akerman’s plays a manic heroine in her early, incendiary critique of domesticity and conformity.

Les Rendez-vous d'Anna Les Rendez-vous d'Anna
Drama 1978 128 mins Director: Chantal Akerman
A quasi self-portrait that was unfairly neglected on its release, this road movie is a profound musing on loneliness, displacement and the long shadow of the war.