NHS on Film
Film has the power to change lives – and even save them. No surprise, then, that moving images have played an important role in one of the world’s greatest public health services.
Ever since the foundation of the National Health Service in 1948, talented filmmakers have aided the cause of Britain’s health via documentary, drama and animation. Films of the 1940s announced the creation of the welfare state, and moving image was soon being used for a host of other NHS purposes - from major public health campaigns (reaching their zenith in the form of the much loved Public Information Filler on TV) to fascinating recruitment and training initiatives behind the scenes. Later, an observant, and sometimes more critical, eye was cast on the health system by TV documentary and current affairs. This collection charts revealing changes in creative technique, public health and society itself.

The DentistThe Dentist
1993 15 mins
This 1993 profile of local dentist, Brian Harvey, shows how he splits his time between a local practice and an advisory role - while leaving ample time to socialise at the local rotary club.

Life in Her HandsLife in Her Hands
Instructional film/TV programme 1951 55 mins
Kathleen Byron - of Black Narcissus fame - stars in one of the most ambitious recruitment films ever made.

Natural Born SmokerNatural Born Smoker
Public Information Filler 1985 1 mins
A sense of 1980s stylistic sheen filters through this sci-fi-tinged anti-smoking advert.

Your Very Good HealthYour Very Good Health
Animation & Artists Moving Image 1948 9 mins
Long before the ‘Charley Says’ campaign of the 1970s and ‘80s, another cartoon Charley was used to demystify the newly created NHS.

The Strange Case of Penny AllisonThe Strange Case of Penny Allison
Government sponsored film 2002 18 mins
Imelda Staunton and Hugh Laurie as you've not quite seen them before: in a comedy training video for Britain’s National Blood Service.

Polio - Diagnosis and ManagementPolio - Diagnosis and Management
Government sponsored film 1948 59 mins
Britain’s first Polio epidemic in 1947 demanded a coordinated response, and this film was a key part of readying postwar doctors for a new fight

New Way of CaringNew Way of Caring
Documentary 1973 21 mins
An in-house training film designed to explain the NHS' 1973 reorganisation to its staff.

Rehabilitation at Roffey ParkRehabilitation at Roffey Park
Government sponsored film 1946 29 mins Location: Roffey Park (College)
Looking after the mental health of workers post-World War II – filmed in astonishing full colour.

Here's HealthHere's Health
Public Information Filler 1948 25 mins
A new start for Britain: this film tells us what to expect from a great new public service.

You and Your HealthYou and Your Health
Documentary 1979 22 mins
The Community Health Council of Wales blows its own trumpet in myriad ways, including animation, to draw attention to their NHS advisory service.

Anti-smoking Campaign: Artery - CloggedAnti-smoking Campaign: Artery - Clogged
Public Information Filler 2003 1 mins
One of the most gruesomely memorable of all British anti-smoking promos depicts fat oozing out of nonchalant smokers' cigarettes.

Public Information Filler 1997 1 mins
A powerful public information filler promoting CALM – a charity dedicated to preventing male suicide.

Towards a Better Life - Community HealthTowards a Better Life - Community Health
26 mins
A GP in rural Somerset and one in Kentish Town, London, reflect on “what is a General Practitioner in the 1980s?”

Computer DoctorComputer Doctor
1974 5 mins
Reporter Michèle Brown visits London's Western Hospital, where a computer is on the medical staff to help doctors with routine doctor\patient consultations.

Word of MouthWord of Mouth
1989 18 mins
Trips to the dentist are reimagined as Hellraiser-style horrors in this film aimed at helping dentists allay their patients’ fears.

Out of TrueOut of True
Instructional film/TV programme 1951 41 mins
An innovative drama-doc, one of the first to deal seriously with clinical depression

"...And Then There Was One""...And Then There Was One"
Training film/TV programme 1965 30 mins
Who will be the 'one'? This medical drama-doc, exploring mental health and illness, is stylish, nail-biting stuff.

Understanding AggressionUnderstanding Aggression
Documentary 1960 23 mins
Eye-opening drama-doc, originally used in psychiatric nursing training.

The British Way of HealthThe British Way of Health
Documentary 1973 27 mins Location: London
A portrayal of the NHS which shows off the “marvellous” system to audiences around the world.

Dr. Sam HuttDr. Sam Hutt
1968 8 mins
Rock'n'roll doctor Sam Hutt opens up on a twin career as popstar and healer in an intriguing, never-broadcast TV interview.

His Fighting ChanceHis Fighting Chance
Government sponsored film 1949 10 mins
Eleanor Roosevelt and Michael Redgrave narrate this optimistic post-war film on the rehabilitation of disabled people with polio.

Something to OfferSomething to Offer
Documentary 1969 22 mins
An interesting documentary on psychiatric provision, set at a Plymouth day hospital and originally produced for nursing recruitment.

Hospitals for AllHospitals for All
Documentary 1948 21 mins Location: Mauchline
The dark clouds of war part to reveal a silver lining for Scottish health.

1964 10 mins Location: Stoke Mandeville Hospl
Do wheelchairs liberate or constrain? The early years of Stoke Mandeville hospital and the Paralympics.

Nursing in the NHS: Spanish Nurses RecruitmentNursing in the NHS: Spanish Nurses Recruitment
Promotional 2002 8 mins
Nurses needed: this early 21st century recruitment video makes fascinating viewing today.

Passive Smoking: Smoking KidsPassive Smoking: Smoking Kids
2003 1 mins
Chilling anti-smoking public information film focusing on the danger that passive smoking poses to children.

Learning in Slow MotionLearning in Slow Motion
Documentary 1961 29 minsSilent
Patients at Epsom’s Manor Hospital learn new skills: an important record of changing attitudes about learning difficulty

Britain's Health Services: The Family DoctorBritain's Health Services: The Family Doctor
Public Information Filler 1955 13 mins
The working day is all go for a rural GP – from morning surgery to numerous home visits to patients.

Doctor's DilemmaDoctor's Dilemma
Public Information Filler 1948 1 mins
A fanfare to the new National Health Service

Back to the CommunityBack to the Community
Documentary 1986 29 mins Location: Bolton
Local authorities trial the Thatcher government’s new ‘care in the community’ initiative.

Dying for a SmokeDying for a Smoke
Animation & Artists Moving Image 1967 10 mins
What the Devil made you start smoking?

The Smoking MachineThe Smoking Machine
Documentary 1964 16 mins
Documentary warning children about the drawbacks of cigarettes – not least their addictiveness.

Smoking and YouSmoking and You
School programme and Educational film 1963 11 mins
The anti-smoking campaign starts here, with the first ever anti-tobacco film – and very impressive it is too.

Blood Donor : Glenda and ErnieBlood Donor : Glenda and Ernie
Public Information Filler 1981 3 mins
Glenda Jackson makes a song and a dance about giving blood – in a wise-cracking double act with Ernie Wise.

Organ Donor Card: Organ BoxOrgan Donor Card: Organ Box
1993 1 mins
An urgently filmed appeal for organ donation.

Blood Donor: DockersBlood Donor: Dockers
1975 1 mins
Brief TV filler aiming to boost blood donations, particularly among working men.

Prevention of cross Infection: Respiratory Tract Infection in Children's WardsPrevention of cross Infection: Respiratory Tract Infection in Children's Wards
Documentary 1953 14 mins
How an outbreak of streptococcal infection spreads – droplet by droplet – and how it can be prevented.

Dust - Miners' DiseaseDust - Miners' Disease
1973 28 mins
Dark shadows in miners' lungs and lives, as the threat of pneumoconiosis is made worse by changes to the benefits that compensate for its effects.

Mining Review 1st Year No. 11: Dust – RehabilitationMining Review 1st Year No. 11: Dust – Rehabilitation
1948 10 mins
Looking at the problem of miners who’ve developed pneumoconiosis, or dust disease

Tracing the Spread of InfectionTracing the Spread of Infection
Documentary 1949 23 mins
Doctors undertake forensic-style detective work to identify the origins of outbreaks, in the fascinating film from the early days of the NHS.

Look after Yourself! An Explanatory Tape for Adult EducatorsLook after Yourself! An Explanatory Tape for Adult Educators
Documentary 1983 21 mins
A lo-fi health advice video from the depths of the '80s offering a window into a land before lycra.

Anti-smoking Campaign: ArteryAnti-smoking Campaign: Artery
2003 1 mins
A longer version of the famously icky anti-smoking promo in which cigarettes ooze fat.

Mrs HodgsonMrs Hodgson
Inside Film 1968 21 mins
"Won’t somebody please think of the patients?" A free-ranging interview on health services with the founder of the Patients Association.

Richard RossdaleRichard Rossdale
1967 14 mins
The titular G.P. makes the case for an unrestrained American-style health service, as opposed to Britain’s supposedly bureaucratic system, in this interview with Barbara Kelly.

Ralph SimonsRalph Simons
1968 8 mins
Bernard Braden interviews the head of a pharmaceutical company about a product which it's claimed can restore "youthful vigour".

Smoking and Health - WomanSmoking and Health - Woman
1968 1 mins
A well-to-do woman is unable to answer her child’s cries due to a coughing fit, in this exaggerated anti-smoking advert.

Smoking and Health - ManSmoking and Health - Man
1968 1 mins
A businessman smoker is forced to rethink his habit.

Smoking and Health - TeenagerSmoking and Health - Teenager
1968 1 mins
Anti-smoking advert in which a young man’s attempts at suavity are interrupted by a hacking cough.

A Gift of LifeA Gift of Life
1985 27 mins
Government-sponsored documentary exploring the challenges and triumphs of organ donation.

Health at the CentreHealth at the Centre
Documentary 1974 8 mins Location: Walton-on-Thames
The latest developments in healthcare on show at Walton-on-Thames community health centre

The CentreThe Centre
1947 22 mins Location: Peckham
St Mary's Road in Peckham, London, is the location for a bold social experiment.

Household RemediesHousehold Remedies
Public Information Filler 1967 1 mins
A brief plea for the public not to waste doctors’ time requesting medicines easily obtainable from chemists.

Dr Marc SleeDr Marc Slee
Cinemagazine 1968 14 mins Location: Witney
Behind the scenes at the new Witney Health Centre where GPs, midwives, district nurses and social workers work efficiently under one roof.

The Traditions of a Surgeon at ChristmasThe Traditions of a Surgeon at Christmas
Amateur film 1962 17 minsSilent Location: Cambridge
The filmic memoirs in Cambridgeshire of heart surgeon Christopher Parish and his family, beginning with Christmas traditions, and including a royal visit. The year is 1962.

Blood Is LifeBlood Is Life
Documentary 1957 16 mins
There will be blood: a public information film that engages the mind and tugs the heart.

Aids - MonolithAids - Monolith
Public Information Filler 1987 1 mins
Portentous imagery and John Hurt’s grave voiceover define this key film from a £5 million campaign to combat the AIDS epidemic.

Aids - IcebergAids - Iceberg
Public Information Filler 1987 1 mins
Simple and devastatingly effective, a key advert from the UK's first major AIDS awareness campaign.

Hospital Team in ActionHospital Team in Action
Documentary 1960 16 mins
Career opportunities in the 1960s National Health Services

Day 359Day 359
1971 23 mins
An unusual, experimental documentary filmed over Christmas at South Ockenden Psychiatric Hospital, Essex.

The District NurseThe District Nurse
Government sponsored film 1942 12 mins
An indefatigable district nurse crisscrosses her rural patch to tend to the sick at home and on the farm.

Defeat TuberculosisDefeat Tuberculosis
Documentary 1950 7 mins
“Proper food and rest and plenty of fresh air” – and several months in a secluded sanatorium are the secret to curing TB.

Complaints What Complaints?Complaints What Complaints?
Documentary 1987 29 mins
“It takes courage for patients to complain” – and this training video considers three scenarios.

National Blood Service: Chief Executive's up-date, November 2001National Blood Service: Chief Executive's up-date, November 2001
Sponsored film 2001 19 mins
Martin Gorham presents a video update to his staff, outlining some of his department's past achievements and upcoming challenges.

Modern Day NightingalesModern Day Nightingales
School programme and Educational film 1978 5 mins
Gripping glimpses of modern nursing - on the frontline at Guy’s Hospital.

Paul DeanPaul Dean
1968 21 mins
The social and political revolutions of 1968 seem a long way from the musings of a moderate Tory on the NHS and government .

Health Services in BritainHealth Services in Britain
Documentary 1962 14 mins
British healthcare leads the world: promoting British values overseas through the NHS.

Northampton District Health Authority: Community Health and Other ServicesNorthampton District Health Authority: Community Health and Other Services
Documentary 1981 32 mins
Third and final part of a series made to explain to new members and present staff the administration of the Northamptonshire Health District.

Northampton District Health AuthorityNorthampton District Health Authority
Documentary 1981 36 mins
The newly established health authority explains to its members the effects of a recent restructure.

Northampton District Health Authority: Staff and Patient CareNorthampton District Health Authority: Staff and Patient Care
Documentary 1981 39 mins
Second part of a series made to explain to new members and present staff the finances of the Northamptonshire Health District.

Alan AldingtonAlan Aldington
1968 13 mins
The President of the Pharmaceutical Society discusses the controversy around re-introduced NHS prescription charges.

Wanted for LifeWanted for Life
Documentary 1951 8 mins
A child's life is save through a blood transfusion and this incident demonstrate s the need for blood donors.

Just in CaseJust in Case
Documentary 1952 28 mins Location: Oxford
“No fuss, no bother” – everything runs smoothly in an Oxford hospital thanks to the work of volunteer reserve nurses.

District NurseDistrict Nurse
Government sponsored film 1952 27 mins Location: Wadhurst
Never a dull moment for a rural district nurse in the early days of the NHS.

Anti-smoking Campaign (Wales): JaniceAnti-smoking Campaign (Wales): Janice
Public Information Filler 2003 1 mins
Straight-talking anti-smoking promo, which introduces us to Janice, a 51-year-old woman who uses a ventilator to breathe.